WANDRAHM 13 April 1854 - 8 August 1854
* BORRMANN, Georg Heinrich Wilhelm: Occ: Roadworker; Ship: 13. Information: In 1895 he is admitted to the destitute asylum. Occupation at the time: labourer. Residence at the time: No settled place. He suffers from bad hernia but refuses to wear a truss, or to be treated at Adelaide Hospital. Dies 19.5.1903.
* KUNSTEL, Otto: Occ: Miner; Res: Clausthal; Ship: 13; Information: Check Index under Kunster, Mr.
Kunstel, (wife).
Kunstel, (child).
Kunstel, (child).
* SCHUMM, Carl Heinrich Wilhelm: Occ: Miner; Res: Clausthal; Ship: 13.
Schumm, (wife).
Schumm, (chlid).
Schumm, (child).